Loyalty to the Money's God.
Fedeltà al Dio Denaro.

Bologna, 1998

"Loyalty to the Money's God" is a thought-provoking and impactful artistic installation that challenges viewers to contemplate the role of money and greed in society. The use of white chalk piggy banks aligned like a Roman legion creates a striking visual that is both mesmerizing and haunting.

As viewers enter the massive square where the installation is housed, they are immediately drawn to the perfectly aligned rows of piggy banks. At first glance, it appears as though each piggy bank is identical, representing the uniform desire for wealth and material possessions that drives so many individuals.

However, as one moves closer to the edges of the square, the true message of the installation becomes clear. The piggy banks begin to show signs of deterioration, crumbling into powder as they move further from the front rows. This gradual decay symbolizes the fading loyalty to money and materialism that occurs when one is removed from the immediate Elysian Fields, if you will, of the money god's temple.

The title "Loyalty to the Money's God" perfectly encapsulates the theme of the installation, highlighting the power that money and greed can wield over individuals. The contrast between the intact front lines and the disintegrating back rows serves as a stark reminder of the emptiness and loss of self that can come from relentlessly chasing after wealth.

Overall, "Loyalty to the Money's God" is a powerful and thought-provoking installation that challenges viewers to reflect on their own relationship with money and materialism. It is a must-see for anyone interested in exploring the darker side of human desire and the impact of wealth on society as a whole.


Agony of an ideology.